遗产长者法 and 遗产规划 offers appointments in-person at one of our six offices, virtually or over-the-phone for the convenience of our clients.

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遗产树标志巴特勒郡地产 & 信托管理律师

巴特勒郡地产 & 信托管理律师

房地产 & 信托管理律师 Serving Western, PA

Losing a loved one is one of the most difficult things any family can endure. 当你负责处理他们的财产时, it is important that you have strong legal representation every step of the way. 房地产 & trust administration attorneys at 遗产长者法 & 推荐十大正规网赌网站 have the skill and experience necessary to effectively represent your interests and preserve the wishes of your loved one. 联系 遗产长者律师事务所经验丰富的律师 & 推荐十大正规网赌网站 today to learn more about estate administration and how our firm can help you through the process ahead.


The person you choose as the executor to your estate is the person that will be in charge of gathering your assets, 还清你的债务, and distributing all assets that are a part of your estate. 当然, 正是因为这个原因, it is critical that you appoint someone you trust to handle your estate honestly, 负责任的, and efficiently to best serve you and your family after you pass on. 另一方面, if you are an individual who has recently been appointed as the executor of someone who passed away, you will most likely need the assistance of an experienced Pennsylvania estate administration attorney who can guide you through every step of the process ahead.


执行人有巨大的责任. 作为你所爱之人遗产的执行人, there is a very good chance that you will have to help your loved one’s estate through the probate process, 哪一个通常比较复杂. Some responsibilities executors frequently have are as follows:

  • 收集他们所爱的人的财产
  • 保护和保存这些资产
  • Paying off their loved one’s estate taxes and debts
  • Distributing those assets to all beneficiaries of the decedent
  • Documenting every step of the process and providing Pennsylvania courts with that documentation
  • 关闭他们所爱的人的财产


一般来说, anyone of legal age and who has the capacity to serve as an 房地产 Administrator can be appointed. In most cases, a family member or relative of the decedent undertakes the responsibility.


Generally, the first part of the estate administration process is probate. If your loved one had a will upon his or her passing, 你必须呈递你所爱之人的遗嘱, as well as a certified copy of his or her death certificate to the Register of 遗嘱 in the county where your loved one lives. 从这里, the Register should give an oath of office to the executor, as well as the legal authority and documentation to make various transactions on behalf of the testator’s estate.


Once you have completed the majority of the estate administration process as an executor, the final step is closing your loved one’s estate. There are two ways in which you may do so in Pennsylvania. 开始, you may close your loved one’s estate by drafting a Family Settlement Agreement, which will list all distributions and payments made from the estate, and will generally avoid all judicial proceedings. 如果所有继承人都同意,你可以走这条路, 尽管它具有法律约束力, any involved party who disagrees may pursue a claim against the estate.

That being said, you may also close an estate by filing an accounting with the local Orphans’ Court. 当你这样做的时候, you will have to bring extensive documentation regarding all of your loved one’s debts, 费用, 和负债. 从这里, you will request an audit date from the court so that if any interested parties contest the estate accounting, the Orphans’ Court will hear those objections on this date. 只要一切按计划进行, 你可以提交一份请求裁决的请愿书, wherein you will ask permission to distribute all assets, 偿还与遗产有关的所有债务, 最后, 把整个地产卖掉.

联络本署 & 信托管理律师

Whether you are ready to go through the estate administration process or you simply wish to craft your estate plan to help ensure the estate and trust administration process goes as smoothly as possible when the time comes, 我们是来帮忙的. 联系 遗产长者法 & 今天是推荐十大正规网赌网站,这样我们就可以开始了.

遗产规划 & 遗嘱认证

Whether you’re looking to secure your family’s future, protect a loved one’s assets or provide a loved one with the financial assistance he or she needs to afford long-term care, 我们致力于满足您的需求. We consistently offer creative and effective solutions to your most complex and sensitive estate planning needs and help your wishes come to fruition through our probate service.


推荐十大正规网赌网站 & 资产保护

Everybody’s life is full of both expected and unexpected challenges. 以我们处理老年人法律问题的经验, we can help you enjoy the later years and retain full control over decisions that directly impact you. 遗产长者律师事务所的律师 & 遗产规划 view every challenge as an opportunity. 我们今天就可以帮助你或你所爱的人.

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