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没有什么比失去所爱的人更令人沮丧的了. 我们在遗产长者法中理解这一点 & 遗产规划, which is why we have dedicated our lives as attorneys to helping those who are going through the probate process. If your loved one recently passed away with a will and you are chosen as the executor of his or her estate, or even if you are someone who is looking to choose the executor of your estate and you would like to learn more about the estate administration process, 你来对地方了. 联系 遗产长者法 & 推荐十大正规网赌网站今天了解我们如何帮助您.


遗嘱认证是一个人遗嘱的法律程序, 在他们死后, is submitted to the Register of 遗嘱/Orphans’ Court so that the heirs can legally obtain their inheritance under the terms of the will.


遗嘱认证的第一步, 房地产, or 信任管理 process allows the prospective client to meet with the attorney for a free initial consultation where we will review the process of administering the estate. 在第一次会议上, we will also discuss what types of assets your loved one owned as what is in the estate influences how the estate is administered and what forms may need to be filed with the court.

一般来说, if there is a will, the person named in the will needs to be appointed executor. 如果没有遗嘱,则需要指定一名遗产管理人. 无论哪种情况, it requires going to the courthouse and appearing before the Register of 遗嘱 to be sworn in. Doing so legally empowers the executor or administrator to exert control over the assets and dispose of them according to the terms of the will or in accordance with the laws of intestacy (where a loved one dies without a will).


平均, it takes a year and a half from the date of your loved one’s death to complete the process. It may take more time, depending upon the complexity of the estate or, frankly, family dynamics. During that time the assets are identified and reported on the inheritance tax return which will be filed with the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue. The estate is also advertised in the local paper to allow for any creditors of the estate to make a claim to ensure any outstanding bills the decedent owed are paid. Once the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue reviews and accepts the inheritance tax return (typically six to nine months after it is filed), our attorneys will work with the executor or administrator to close out the estate and ensure the heirs receive their inheritance.


除非有相反的法院命令禁止, 所有的遗嘱(一旦提交)都是公共记录,可以查看.


This is necessary so the person named as Executor/Executrix of the will can be legally appointed as the estate representative. 此步骤确保有人获授权协助管理遗产及, 例如, 和保险公司谈谈, 金融机构, 或者债权人代表遗产.




A short certificate is a legal document issued by the Register of 遗嘱 which evidences an estate has been opened, 遗产法定代表人的姓名, 以及其他有关遗产的信息, 以及遗嘱登记册的印章. This document can be used as proof of the Executor’s authority to act on behalf of the estate.


一般来说, the will is filed along with the Petition for Letters Testamentary or Administration when one takes the will to the Register of 遗嘱 to have the person named in the Will as Executor sworn in as the 房地产’s legal representative.


The Register of 遗嘱 is required by law to keep the 最初将 when the estate is opened.


Letters Testamentary is a legal document issued by the Register of 遗嘱 which gives legal authority to the Executor to act on behalf of the 房地产 once a will has been submitted and the Executor is sworn in. 遗产管理书赋予遗产代表同样类型的权力, 称为管理员, 但在没有意愿的情况下使用.


通常, 必须有死者的死亡证明, 最初将, and Petition for Letters Testamentary (if there is a will) or Petition for Letters of Administration (if there is no will). Each county has certain fees that need to be paid in conjunction with opening up an estate and there is also the requirement that an estate is advertised in the newspaper, 以及县法律杂志(如果有的话).


遗产税申报表, 也被称为REV-1500, is a form required by the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue to be submitted to find out the applicable tax owed on the decedent’s estate. 一般在死者死亡之日起九个月内到期, it shows the department a snapshot of all the assets and their values owned by the decedent at the time of death; it also identifies the estate heirs. 适用的继承税率取决于继承人与被继承人的关系. 例如, 如果配偶继承了遗产, there is a 0% tax rate; a lineal descendant (son or daughter) has a 4.5% tax rate; a sibling has a 12% tax rate; everybody else has a 15% tax rate.


如果你被指定为你所爱的人遗产的管理人, 有强有力的法律指导是很重要的. 遗产长者法 & 推荐十大正规网赌网站 can help walk you through each step of the probate process so you can feel confident knowing your loved one’s wishes are met and you are also meeting the requirements of the state. 联系 遗产长者法 & 推荐十大正规网赌网站今天了解我们如何帮助您.

遗产规划 & 遗嘱认证

无论你是想确保你家庭的未来, protect a loved one’s assets or provide a loved one with the financial assistance he or she needs to afford long-term care, 我们致力于满足您的需求. We consistently offer creative and effective solutions to your most complex and sensitive estate planning needs and help your wishes come to fruition through our probate service.


推荐十大正规网赌网站 & 资产保护

每个人的生活都充满了意料之中和意料之外的挑战. 以我们处理老年人法律问题的经验, we can help you enjoy the later years and retain full control over decisions that directly impact you. 遗产长者律师事务所的律师 & 遗产规划视每一个挑战为机遇. 我们今天就可以帮助你或你所爱的人.

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